Articles of Association
I. Goal
The Mattei Dogan Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to study the major problems of advanced, post-industrial societies from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, using methods used in the social sciences. Its headquarters are located at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 54 boulevard Raspail, 75006 Paris.
The means of action of the foundation are :
- Support for research projects on the major issues of contemporary pluralist society, with an emphasis on comparative sociological analysis, dialogue between social science experts and public institutions.
- The periodic awarding of prizes to internationally renowned social scientists.
- The awarding of incentive grants to researchers or groups of researchers affiliated to higher education or research institutions, for the preparation of projects, the organisation of colloquia and the development of publications, giving priority to comparative or interdisciplinary studies.
II. Establishment Decree
The Prime Minister, on the report of the Minister of the Interior, having regard to Article 795-2° of the General Tax Code
Having regard to law n° 87-571 of 23 July 1987, as amended, on the development of sponsorship, and in particular article 18 thereof; Having regard to the deed dated 5 March 2001 drawn up by Maître Michel Ducamp, notary in Paris: Having regard to the bank certificates drawn up on 31 December 1999 by BNP (Paris Monge), on 23 February 2000 by Crédit Industriel et Commercial de Paris (BJ Gobelins branch), on 8 October 2000 by Crédit Lyonnais (Paris Port Royal branch) and on 13 October by Société Générale (Paris Gobelins); Having regard to the commitment to pay 91. 469 per year for three years by the founder, Mr. Mattei Dogan;
Having regard to the statutes proposed by the “Mattei Dogan Foundation”; Having regard to the draft budgets of the Foundation; Having regard to the opinion of the Minister for Research dated 13 July 2000; Having regard to the other documents in the file ;
The Council of State (Interior Section) heard,
Article 1 – The foundation called “Mattei Dogan Foundation”, whose headquarters are in Paris, is recognised as a public utility establishment.
The statutes of the foundation are approved as they are annexed to the present decree.
Article 2 – The president of the board of directors of the foundation recognised as being of public utility, by virtue of article 1 of the present decree, is authorised, in the name of the foundation, to accept the donation of Mr. Mattei Dogan, according to the deed drawn up on March 5, 2001 by Maître Michel Ducamp and comprising:
1°/ Paris (75013) 72, boulevard Arago, in bare ownership (lots 86, 175, 284); 2° / Paris (75014) 38 boulevard Saint-Jacques, in full ownership (lots 21 and 47);3° / Paris (75013) 2 and 4, rue Véronèse and 12 rue Rubens, in full ownership (lots 53, 183 and 252) and 4° / Tangier (Morocco), in full ownership
Article 3 – The Minister of the Interior is responsible for the execution of this decree which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done in Paris, 11 April 2001
By the Prime Minister : Lionel Jospin
The Minister of the Interior : Daniel Vaillant
III. The managment board
The foundation is administered by a board of eleven members, divided into three colleges :
- College of founders: the founder is appointed for life. In the event of resignation, permanent impediment or duly established incapacity of the founder, the successor shall be chosen by the Council itself by co-option, preferably from an institution competent in the field of social sciences, and outside the college of ex officio members: the director thus appointed shall be appointed for a period of three years, renewable.
- College of ex-officio members: four institutional members:
- a representative of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme ;
- a representative of the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales ;
- a representative of the Institute of Human and Social Sciences (CNRS) ;
- a representative of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques.
If the representation of one of these institutions cannot be ensured, for whatever reason, the Management Board may replace it by another similar institution.
- College of co-opted members: six members, three of whom are chosen from among social science specialists, two from among representatives of French or foreign, private or public foundations dedicated to social science research, and the sixth, preferably because of his financial skills. The co-opted members are appointed for a period of four years. Their mandate is renewable at most twice. Half of the College is renewed every two years. At the time of the first renewal, the outgoing members are designated by lot.
In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Management Board, a replacement shall be provided as soon as possible. The term of office of the new member shall end on the date on which the term of office of the member being replaced would normally have expired.
A government commissioner, appointed by the Minister of the Interior, after consultation with the other minister(s) concerned, attends the meetings of the board in an advisory capacity. He shall ensure that the statutes and the public utility nature of the foundation are respected.
The Executive Board is composed of three persons: the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. They are elected by the Board from among its members for a renewable period of three years. In the event that a member of the Bureau loses his or her membership of the Board, he or she is replaced for the remainder of the term.